In this episode, Olivia's neuropsych evaluation threatens to keep her on the sidelines while Lee and Peter investigate the mysterious aftermath of VertusAir 718. This is Peter's second exposure to the case, and his foreknowledge sends the Fringe Task Force chasing after a cult determined to manipulate the evolutionary process and mankind's future.
Synopsis provided by the Fandom Wiki, Fringepedia, and Wikipedia.
This episode's glyphs spell:
The Observer walks down the sidewalk behind Peter and Lee after they arrive at Daniel Hicks' house to search for him.
The porcupine on the calendar in September's apartment in 'A Short Story About Love' foreshadows the return of the Porcupine Man in 'Nothing as it Seems'.
Markham's book store in 'Nothing as it Seems' is located on Canaan Avenue, foreshadowing the vigilante Shapeshifter named Canaan in 'Everything in Its Right Place'.
Fauxlivia shows particular interest in Lincoln.