This episode follows a scientist in his quest to time travel back and save his fiancée, while the Fringe team investigates the consequences of his actions, and Walter struggles to tell his son Peter he was stolen from the parallel universe as a boy.
Synopsis provided by the Fandom Wiki, Fringepedia, and Wikipedia.
This episode's glyphs spell:
Walter told Alistair Peck a secret that no one else knew, that he asked God for a white tulip as a sign of forgiveness after stealing Peter from another universe.
The Observer can be seen watching the car accident that kills Peck and his fiancée after Peck successfully travels back in time.
Olivia's sleepless night in 'Olivia. In the Lab. With the Revolver.' ends at 5:18. May 18th (5/18) is the destination date of Alistair Peck's time travel attempts in 'White Tulip'.
The motto of the transit system in 'White Tulip', "Be There in No Time", foreshadows the nearly instantaneous transfer between universes by 'Mr. Secretary' and the Shapeshifters in 'The Man from the Other Side'.
Peter was right; he was stolen from his real parents in "Peter".
Walter experienced that kind of grief in "Peter".
He asked for a sign of forgiveness like he did in "White Tulip", but due to the different timeline he never got that sign.
Peter's grief over losing Etta in "An Origin Story" drove him to put Observer tech in his head to make him their equal. (Image 1)