This episode follows the Fringe team's investigation into a bus that was filled with amber, encasing the people inside. They discover a man named Roy who predicted it and other similar events, and Walter realizes Roy has connections to a past experiment he did over twenty years ago, called the "Ghost Network".
Synopsis provided by the Fandom Wiki, Fringepedia, and Wikipedia.
This episode's glyphs spell:
Aeger is a Latin word that means sick or unwell. The villains in this episode used Latin to communicate with each other.
Olivia passes by The Observer in a train car at South Station.
A street sign outside of the Massive Dynamic building in 'The Same Old Story' has a sticker placed over it that reads "Voces Video." This translates to "I see voices" in Latin, the problem that affects Roy in 'The Ghost Network'.
There is a sign depicting the beacon from 'The Arrival' on the wall of South Station in 'The Ghost Network'.
- Project 773 - Exploration 13 -
The young man does not remember me, nor I him. And yet it is like a kind of homecoming -- to reunite with a participant in one of my forgotten experiments -- to observe the product of my past research, only now reaching its fruition. That his second-sight (as it were) should manifest so soon after my return suggests a sort of poetry in the affairs of man. Not just any poetry, but a sonnet. Shakespearean, of course, not Petrarchan.
In solid smoke a crowd of victims froze
Encased in crystals bound in nitrous gas.
And paralyzed within their deathly throes,
They found this daily trip to be their last.
Unknown to them my subject saw the sound,
Committing visions into ink and clay.
Metallic compounds in his brain we found:
Antennae for a sensory array.
The sweet Cassandra called upon deaf ears,
But such won't be the case with our dear Roy
Enunciating his unspoken fears --
As transferred by a neuro-scanning toy.
Experimental subjects come and go
The soil in which the roots of wisdom grow.
How many others might be out there! The thought itself is ecstatic. I should repair the old transmitter on this building's roof, if indeed it is still there. Other receivers might also hear our signal. Or see it. Or taste it. I can taste it myself, even now! It tastes like sassafras.
The magnetic neurostimulator is the first essential component. The second is the laboratory itself, whose dimensions will encourage reception of transmissions. But despite my joy, there is still discontent. Something here is not precisely right. Something missing, or something extra. I cannot place it. I am crowded by the walls.
The boy has returned with the device. Let the process begin. I hope he also brought diapers. And a root beer float.
The case in 'One Night in October' centers around two versions of the same man, each from a different universe, where one is a serial killer and the other is a professor of forensic psychology specializing in serial killers.
Later, Walter commented on the value of music.